I'll get you one Mike. When we get them back from the printer, I'll get your address.
lake effect
During the winter, the weather clears up stormy.
Thursday, November 30, 2000
The film Baby's Day Out features a scene in which a baby lights Joe Mantegna's nuts on fire. In the scene, Mantegna is trying to hide the baby, whom he has kidnapped, from a cop. It is, without question, the funniest testicle burning every committed to film.
Followers of Slave Magazine will be pleased to hear that the last article for issue five was finished tonight, which means that the completed zine could be back from the printers in as little as two weeks. I think this one's going to the best yet. John has really out done himself on the design work. Anyone interested in getting a copy let me know. I know that I owe Shelly, JT and Louise issues 3, 4 and 5. I'd be happy to send out a few more if any of you are interested.
Insound.com has a preview of issue five.
Bob Moog is/was, among other things, the first person to divide the volt into twelve equal parts so it could be mapped to a keyboard (as in piano) controller. He took analog sound sythesis from Academia (Columbia Princeton studios) and the European Radio Studios (Cologne, in particular) and put it in the hands of the common musician. The rock keyboard was born. He also developed a DIY Theremin kit, analog filters and other voltage control musical devices. I forgot to mention that the book signing he's doing is for a book for which he only wrote THE INTRODUCTION.
I really like Buffalo. I suppose it sucks if you want it to be NYC, which is what most people here think a city should be. Buffalo is a city in decline. Before 1950 its population was 1 million, now its on the low side of 300,000. You could see it as a dead city, I see it as an empty playground. Rent is dirt cheap, so lots of college students and artsy-fartsy types rent not only apartments but studio spaces and galleries. There's an entire industrial complex that used to produce Model T's that now houses Galleries, Studios, Not-For-Profit organizations and a Fudge factory. Lots of empty buildings that people are just trying to rent out for something. Buffalo is also a major Architectural museum. Since there's been no major natural (or man made) disasters here most of the buildings are historical and/or architectural landmarks. I live in a building that was built in 1890. There are several Frank Lloyd Wright houses in the city. It's cold but it snows alot and that is great. It was the first electrified city, the electric chair was designed here, niagra falls, erie canal blah blah etc....it is the home of the Goo Goo dolls, and some also-ran sports teams... that sort of sucks.
I had blue hair for a little while once, when the purple began to fade.
Wednesday, November 29, 2000
yes, upma. some old ladies really do have blue hair, but usually it's by accident. don't worry. you'll be fine.
Hi everyone, especially to those of you I've never met (at I think that's everyone 'cept Shelly and JT). I know early 90s shelly (aka high school) and I've heard lots about you all. Anyway, I'm supposed to be looking for photos of this high speed train for a German textbook. Off to corbis...
wow, j.t. you are so lucky. i wish i could go see bob moog tomorrow. i had this teacher in music school who was a moog and buchla nut and he made us draw pictures of old synths and stuff for our exams. he apparently made several homemade synths back in the 70's or something. he's crazy. i dunno if i believe him, but he claims to have studied with the likes of pauline oliveros and lou harrison back in the day, and now he's a crazy old coot teaching music theory to unappreciative and tone deaf band teacher wannabes at uncg.
so i never should've said that my job was uninteresting. it got super interesting today. i do photo restoration and whatnot at a local camera store, and the computer that i do all my work with totally broke today. the motherboard got corrupted, which means that i can't do any work until we get a new system. that also means that i have to be a retail dork and sell cameras all day to crazy old blue haired ladies who don't understand digital cameras but still want them anyway. life is gonna suck for a while.
Still working on my film, my workshop students are very undisciplined but very interested in what I'm teaching them so I guess it works out. I really love Super 8. Last night I saw some Kodachrome films my friend made and they just looked beautiful. The colors are amazing.
R.A. Moog comes into town tomorrow. Big Moog fest going on here. He used to live and build synthesizers in Buffalo. We still have a few of his old toys in the Studios at UB. He's got some new book out and a couple of Theremin players that follow him around on a little road show. It should be fun. I just wish he wasn't doing a book signing at, of all places, Barnes and Nobles. I hope I'm never unlucky enough to become just so famous that I have to do book signings at Barnes and Nobles.
oh, zach. you shouldn't tell stories like that... it ALMOST makes me miss that god forsaken place. things that ridiculous never happen where i work.
Tuesday, November 28, 2000
We get applications at the movie theater all the time. Most are from little kids, like 14 and 15. The rest are from morons. And since we gave a moron, another manager, named Jonny Fear, the power to hire new employees, he hires his own kind. Well, we got a humdinger today. This kid worked at Mcdonals, Taco Bell, and Cook Out all in one year. Even better, he was applying to work "tickits or snake bar." I kid you not, over half of the words on the application were misspelled. Words like "tranpertation" and "qwit." so, imagine our shock to find that Jonny Fear HIRED this dope. Lord.
So Bethany comes into the office right as I'm finishing up and says...
Bethany: "Is this the application you were talking about?"
Me: "Yeah, that's him, the 'snake bar' guy."
Bethany:"Oh that's so sad. You know there are all kinds of brain damage..."
Me: (laughing)
Bethany:No, I'm serious. There are kinds of brain damage that can make perfect normal people unable to spell. (I'm still laughing.) I'm serious.
And she was. And that, folks, is why people love Bethany Pergerson.
i have about five seconds of the 6th day trailer on my wall, it's from my first brain wrap. it was not my fault. it was a bitch to fix.
"once i was hunting and i became trapped under a deer and as i prayed for god to spare me. i felt my life slipping away and promised myself if i made it out alive i would not pay more than a dollar for this vcr."
you guys gotta hear what happened to me today....
so i go to the laundromat to wash my socks, and as i'm standing there absentmindedly loading the washer while watching maury povich or some shit on the tv monitor, this bum comes walking into the place looking all sketchy and hella cracked out. he has this box under one arm, and he starts yelling, "vcr for sale! vcr for sale! only 49 dollars! any takers?" i looked over and shook my head in disbelief, but the other 5 people in the joint all jump up and start swarming this smelly icky bum guy, practically bowling him over to get first crack at his vcr, which my the way... was unopened, still in the box, and had a ups sticker on the top of it. so he makes a deal with the lucky highest bidder, who i think actually talked him down a couple bucks, then walks out and leaves. isn't that insane? i wonder why he started at $49? was the crack rock $50 and he already had a dollar? i dunno. it's weird.
hey, shelly- if you want some html help, lemme know. i ain't pretending to be no wiz or nothin', but i got some tricks i can share.
got a couple jobs today. not enough for next month yet. got the heater fixed because of a manufacturers recall. baked a loaf of bread. battled the cork on a bottle of wine. i won by the way. i need to get that studio space or a job, soon, i fear.
welcome everybody! i'm so excited about this. we should do introductions again once everyone is here. there are still some invitations pending. maybe we could set up little bios on the webpage? what sort of things would you like to include? the webpage by the way, is http://www.lakeeffect.blogspot.com. i think there is a way to post directly thru that page without logging into blogger but i'm still trying to figure that out . zach is making it beautiful. i'm pulling my hair out trying to learn html, if any of you happen to be gurus advice is welcome.
Paraphrase of a secondhand comment. The setting, a Prince concert just before the encore. The Purple One is explaining how "Purple Rain" is actually about God and Jesus and love and all that.
My buddy Chris Newsom says, "Dude, I'm willing to listen to some preachin' if the preacher fucks the floor when he's done."
Second quote. From Old Dirty Bastard this time. "I can't stay onstage too long tonight...the cops is after me," he told the crowd last Tuesday night, saying he planned to become "like a bird" living off "birdseeds or whatever...you'll see
I'm all misty about thad hearing his baby's heart beat. I'm going to be the most sissy uncle ever.
hello, i'm thad and i'm sorry i'm late......sometimes i can't work the simple things. yesterday i heard my baby's heartbeat. everything else has been work and eating.
My blog debut. I'm J.T. Rinker, a second year Ph.D student in music composition at the State University of New York at Buffalo. Things I have to do today:
1) Make a Super8MM film. 3600 words, One per frame, with scrabble letter. Vowels are the common link, a ligeti clocks to clouds idea. Since I'm out of time I'll be doing fibonachi time duration stuff. Randomly generated script is complete, shoot today and tomorrow, hand process on Thursday, screening on Saturday. I don't have a clue about lighting, i just know i need a lot. too much work for 3 minutes of film, it's almost like composing. The soundtrack will be vocal formant stuff if i have time
2) Teach a digital audio workshop to people who no very little about sound and/or music. Today's topic: Digital Signal Processing, Filters, Delays, Linear, Nonlinear and Granular synsthesis. good fun
what I am doing now: eating pasta and watching Cybil Shepard on Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. How does this happen to me?
good morning everyone. i'm ileana. i just wanted to say hello. i'm waiting on some laundry to finish so i can wear matching socks today.
Monday, November 27, 2000
i'm nearly done all the xmas gifts that need to go in the mail to my family. i think i need to find a real job. i may be rearranging my apartment to get rid of the bedroom and create a studio instead. my life is better the less i sleep.
I went to work. Read 300 hundred pages of a book. Ate two meals. And found this photo of Iron Maiden (Di'Anno years).

hi, upma! i'm glad you got the kinks worked out. in answer to yr question, mike, there are around 20 people who have been invited to join but i don't know if all of them will join. i'm hoping that in the next day or so they'll respond now that people are back to work or school etc. from the holiday. i've got to work this afternoon. i slept kind of late today. i think because i battled a migraine all day yesterday. i still feel its presence in my skull today. i thought as the holidays approached i'd be overloaded with temp and contract work. but so far this is not the case at all. oh money. the upshot of that is i'll have more time to work on making this site pretty.
Sunday, November 26, 2000
After work I go to Ed McKays (used bookstore) and I have to park kinda far away. So, as I'm walking down the sidewalk to the store I see these four cops talking to somebody in Chumley's, this cheese smoke-filled 50-somethings drunk bar. No surprise there. I don't linger. I get down to Mckay's and see it that its closed for the day. So, I'm heading back to my car and the four cops are strolling toward me. As the reach me I step out of their way to let them pass and one cop, a woman, stops looks right at me and say, "Are you looking for something?" Totally aggressive cop tone. I'm not really shocked, but I try to appear to be and I say, "I was going to Ed McKay's but it's closed." Silence and staring. "Alright." And they walk on. No big scene or anything. Typical cop bullshit.
The reason I was going to Ed McKay's was to see if they had a copy of Hollywood Nocturnes by James Ellroy. (A side note. I cannot more heartily recommend Ellroy's LA Quartet, the four main novels, Black Dahlia, the Big Nowhere, LA Confidential and White Jazz and the two unofficial chapters, the sort-of prequel, Clandestine and sort-of epilogue, Hollywood Nocturnes. These novels are crammed with sex and violence and I couldn't put them down.) But Ed Mckay's was closed, so instead I went to Barnes and Noble. Now, I had the money to purchase a copy of this book and I fully intended to. But, those cops... they got me all riled up. So, i got the book, if you know what I mean. I dedicate that one to you, Greensboro Police Department. Eat shit, guys.
i think voting and picking a new name after we're all on board would be ok too. but i do like lake effect...
Saturday, November 25, 2000
Last night's post on my Thanksgiving is gone forever. I was hoping that I'd be willing to go through it all again, but I'm so not interested in writing it all down again. Here's the short version. Another flesh-less Thanksgiving would have passed silently by had the makers of Tofurky (tm) not decided on a name so pleasing to say. Apparently, twelve-year-olds are simply helpless against that word. Tyler (12) would not rest until everyone in the house knew that he ate some Tofurky. Blessed be the children.
My grandmother now lives with my parents. She can't really take care of herself. She's stumbles a lot. I'm always afraid she's going to fall. She sees things and you can't convince her they are not there. As much as I love her, and I really do, I just can relax at my parents house anymore. I don't know how they do it. Caring for her is fulltime job and they handle it with a grace that astonishes me, although maybe it shouldn't.
That's all for thanksgiving I guess. I hope the election has cooled down as a conversation topic by Christmas.
Last night's post on my Thanksgiving is gone forever. I was hoping that I'd be willing to go through it all again, but I'm so not interested in writing it all down again. Here's the short version. Another flesh-less Thanksgiving would have passed silently by had the makers of Tofurky (tm) not decided on a name so pleasing to say. Apparently, twelve-year-olds are simply helpless against that word. Tyler (12) would not rest until everyone in the house knew that he ate some Tofurky. Blessed be the children.
My grandmother now lives with my parents. She can't really take care of herself. She's stumbles a lot. I'm always afraid she's going to fall. She sees things and you can't convince her they are not there. As much as I love her, and I really do, I just can relax at my parents house anymore. I don't know how they do it. Caring for her is fulltime job and they handle it with a grace that astonishes me, although maybe it shouldn't.
That's all for thanksgiving I guess. I hope the election has cooled down as a conversation topic by Christmas.
Friday, November 24, 2000
so anyway, i had a really nice thanksgiving. the same group of people that i ate with last year when i first moved to seattle. i have to say it was pretty nice spending a holiday away from the family. an hour phone call home and then i'm free to enjoy myself. i love my family i really do but there isn't anyone in my family that is the kind of adult i want to grow up to be. jacob's uncle and their family of friends are all such interesting people. adults who don't talk about babies, and shopping. they are well traveled, and well educated. they are writers of books and screenplays, psychotherapists, musicians, activists, actors, and artists. they care about music and art and world politics and travel and good food. i don't mean to sound ungrateful, like i said, i really love my family.... but i've never been around grownups who are like this. and i love it.