Slave connections:
The simple answer is
Slave and Crimethinc are friends. The Jim Jones of Crimethinc, Brian D, lives in Greensboro most of the time, when he's not on tour. His major acolytes are all here. We know them and we know him and we're all basically friends. Sometimes just "friendly" but we try to do better than that. Three-fourths of my housemates (now on Mayflower St) used to live at a house on Aycock St with Matt from Catharsis (Brian's band). While Matt lived at that house, Brian would stay there off tour. He was there about a year ago when I was staying there too.
When John, Jeff and Dave started
Slave they were directly inspired (I think) by
Inside Front, Brian's zine. About the same time, Jeff and John, under the name Abaddon Graphics, started designing Crimethinc records and ads and stuff. Eventually, John stopped working on Crimethinc design stuff to do
Slave full time. Jeff, however, ended up designing almost everything Crimethinc did until last year when he moved to Boston. He did the new Catharsis record and a bunch of
Inside Front and
Harbinger layouts. John designed the Zegota record cover. Two years ago,
Slave and Crimethinc released the last Kilara record. That's the only thing they've officially done together.
I'm sure most of you are asking, "Who the hell is Crimethinc?"
To explain what Crimethinc is would be an extreme waste of my time considering that half of what Crimethinc is about is explaining what Crimethinc is about.
Here's the website full of Brian D writings and thoughts. The flash animation at the front of the site sums up a lot of it. I would like to challenge a something that the website seems to suggest. It says that Crimethinc is totally decentralized. This is misleading. Yes, there are tiny mini-Crimethincs in the world (mainly in Europe) but the most of the collective is here in NC and most of it is based in Greensboro/Chapel Hill. Why? Because the two leading lights of the Crimethinc movement are bands who are based out of Greensboro. The first, Catharsis, is Brian's band. Two of the members, Matt and Alexi live here. The other band, Zegota, is based entirely in GSO.
A side note---Both of these bands, Catharsis and Zegota, are AWESOME. Don't miss them if they come to your town. Catharsis is screamy hardcore metal in the mold of, say, Deadguy (before they started to suck). Their shows are good, especially if they've been on tour for a while, but their two records,
Samsara and
Passion, are really the best way to experience the power of the band.
Passion, in particular, is an overlooked gem in a genre that too often settles for the mediocre.
Zegota is another matter altogether. Their record isn't very good but their live shows are extraordinary. The last time I saw them they played five songs in 45 minutes. John called them hardcore's first jam band, but that isn't exactly true. They take the jazz elements of bands like Swing Kids and fuse them with a healthy respect for experimental and noise acts. Most hardcore kids like it loud and fast. Zegota takes that expectation, the sense that the screamy part is just about to start, and the torture you with it. They are so good I can't express it.
There was a flap with Brian/Crimethinc at the end of last year that caused us (
Slave faction) to be a little pissed at the Crimethinc'ers. Brian's been staying with our friend Amanda in this giant shitty punkrawk house on Ceder st. The Ceder st kids are either Crimethinc or junkies. The difference is important but sometimes hard to distinguish. The Crimethinc'ers decided not to get the heat turned on in the house, because most of them don't have jobs and like to live as cheap as possible. The junkies just had no money. So they have a huge dilapadated house that is freezing in winter, full of junkies and (recently) knife fights and busted 40s and all that shit.
We, the
Slave faction at Mayflower St, went the exact opposite way. We turned on the heat. We live in a nice house with nice furniture. No junkies, no forties, no danger. This is seen by a few as not-very-punk (I've never been very punk, btw; I don't think they expected much from me). Well, the Ceder st gang decided to have some shows at their house (which I thank them for because those shows have been really, really good so far) and wanted to use our PA. We let them, they never returned it, we had to go get it. This happens a few times until we have to tell them they can't have it anymore. We use that PA four or five times a week. This inspired Brian to give some "what the hell happened to those guys, they used to be punk" comments about us, that we thought were pretty out of line. Dave confronted him about it and, to Brian's credit, he totally owned up to the shittalking an apologized. But, the incident was just an expression of an unspoken attitude that has arisen. We're not as punk as we once were. We're old, we're square, we're, gasp, post-hardcore!
Not me, of course. I've never been punk. I'm listening to the goddamn Eagles as I write this.