On Saturday a group of us got to see Tenacious D in Winston-Salem. If that name means nothing to you, don't worry. Tenacious D definately qualifies as a cult favorite. Basically, Jack Black (from High Fidelity and some other movies) and a dude named Kyle Glass play "themselves" in a HBO show called
Tenacious D. It was produced by the guy who did
Mr. Show and it was pretty damn funny. The premise was/is that JB and KG are an acoustic duo who are really spastic and everybody hates them. HBO only did like six episodes. The D are pretty funny, actually. That means a lot coming from me, because I generally hate "funny" bands.
They performed every single one of their songs. Every one. That alone was pretty funny.
Jack Black is filming the new Farrelly Brothers movie and flew down to NC just for the show. Its one of, I think, two shows total that they're doing on this "tour". They seemed really, sincerely jazzed to see the sold-out crowd. As the show went on, I began to realize that for them playing a show is really a rare thing. And all the crazed D fans on the east coast were there. Some people drove more than eight hours to get there. I even heard of one person flying in from Colorado just to see the show. Two weeks before the show, tickets were selling on ebay for $75+.
So, I'm glad I got to go. It was tons of fun.
Sunday, I goofed around. Bought some shoes and some pants that don't really fit right. Then I went to work.
On Monday, I did more of the same. John and I sent off about 40 copies of
Slave #5 with a brand new one-sheet to a bunch of addresses we got from the guys that do
That evening, I told my boss and the other managers that I'm quitting. They took it well, except for my best buddy Wahid, who pretended like he didn't care. Just like a little kid. God, I'm going to miss that guy.
Rob, the GM, said that if I ever wanted my job back--"I couldn't pay you what I'm paying you now, of course"--I could have it. What a class act. Still, I might, part-time, after we get back from the West Coast.
Yesterday, I worked. Johnny turned me on to a book that I'm really loving the hell out of,
Edwin Mullhouse, the Life of an American Writer by Steven Millhouser. Its about a ten-year-old novelist. Its a spoof of biographies and kindersleroman, especially Boswell and, to a lesser degree, Joyce. Anyway, its a pretty special book. I'm surprised I never heard of it before Johnny mentioned it.
Then we had a practice for the Thursday (tomorrow) show. We sounded good in the basement. We're trying the problem song (aka the beast) again. Last song. I hope we don't fuck it up again.
I spent most of today in Hickory with Thad and Meredith and Grace. Grace is about two weeks old. She's still adorable and tiny and beautiful. I'm jealous of Thad, but I don't want to talk about it. She took her first bath and screamed in her first restuarant today. I'm a sucker.
I bought a Kiss album. Thad bought a Judas Priest greatest hits.
Mom and I went to visit my grandmother in her nursing home. I think my mom is about the only one who still goes daily. The others are too busy dealing with the emotions of having a ailing and diminished relative to actually go and spend time with her. I love my mother and I am so proud of her for sucking it up and dealing with the hurt and going to see grandma. She needs it.
Grandma is pretty delusional now. She sees lots and lots of things and it upsets her and she becomes very angry if someone suggests that its all in her head. She's had a few episodes recently where she's accused my mom of lying to her. Grandma is convinced of a few things. One, that my cousin Sarah (age 2) is sneaking out of the house and coming to the nursing home. Two, my cousin, Tyler, (age 13) has been arrested and is going to jail. Grandma thinks her brother, Frank, who lives in California is coming to visit. Frank is still recovering from cancer. She's also asking to come home regularly now. That last one breaks my mother's heart.
Today she told me that she was planning a trip to California to see Frank and Irene (a sister). Mom had to tell her that she probably couldn't do that. California is too far to drive. But otherwise she was in a pretty good mood. She got fairly lucid when we were talking about her taxes. Somehow, she can remember exact numbers and figures and I think that perked her up-to be sure of something, numbers and amounts. I was a little surprised because my grandmother has always been responsible, but we never a very finance-oriented person. I can't imagine what inner workings make it possible to remember how much tax she paid on her acreage in the Uhwarrie National Forest, but not remember that Sarah is only 2 and couldn't possibly get the home by herself. Oh, I'm getting worn out just thinking about it.
Mom is asleep. Grandma is asleep. Grace is probably asleep. I should be, too. But, I'm wide awake.