On friday night I had a betrayal dream. I've never really had a dream like this. It consisted of me being told about everyone that had (until the moment in this dream) secretly betrayed me. The naive illusion of people and places I cared about completely demolished. It was delivered to me via a sweet lesbian I knew from North Texas in a sympathetic but matter-of-fact kind of way. As she continued to tell me ruinous secrets I moved from one room of an unknown house to the next trying to put on socks and shoes, trying to get out, to run. But with each new revelation I would also realize that the socks I was putting on weren't mine, nor the shoes. So I continued looking for my shoes, my socks and finding out more wretched news. At some pont it stopped, I had MY shoes on and I was running, and running, sprinting, to confornt or to escape I don't know, I woke up sad and out of breath, something I don't think I've ever done before.
That same night my roommate had a friend over who managed to drink an entire 5th of some really expensive single malt scotch only to puke it up later in the evening all over our carpet. Despite my roommates best efforts to remove the stain (and more importantly the stink) it still lingered for a few days. I've never been militant (to others) about my sobriety but it really hurts when I see people do that to themselves.
Saturday I watched some solar/battery powered boats designed by engineering students from various Universities race. I still prefer wind power for boats. I completed my latest sailing model. A two mast schooner. It was Launched on Friday in the shadows of these jerry-rigged solar powered canoes and rowboats.
Sunday went to a street festival that was pretty lame, lots of bad bands on four different stages that were too close together. I didn't stay that long. Buffalo summers are beautiful, they pack in as many festivals as they can into a three month period to make up for the 6 month winter. Summer is unfortunately when most people leave town for some unkown reason. It's too bad nobody stopped by in the spring, I was taking care of several apartments while people were away. One week you could have had your choice of two apartments completely to yourself. It's understandable though, Buffalo is hardly on the way to anywhere.
That's the last few days: the last few weeks
Recovered from June in Buffalo (which went rather smoothly) and my break up with Julia. It isn't so bad (no reason for anyone to be unreasonable or immature), we're still friends, which is occasionly tough for me. Some days are better than others, and more better days than other days now.
I've been learning some software. Some Dreamweaver and Flash, iMovie and a significantly updated version of some real time audio processing software caled MAX/MSP that I use a lot. Working on the PEEP site, you can check that out at:
and my first flash animation
I'm learning Flash so that I can help out with these Kids animation camps at the Squeaky Wheel. They start up the 2nd week of July. Working with kids in the 10-15 age bracket. making super 8, video and Flash works. Should be fun.
I've been sewing some. Made a purple corduroy skirt and a few shirts, I'm going to start working on a pair of pants next.
I guess I should be composing some, I've got a few good ideas for pieces but every time I think about them I end up doing something else, usually completely unproductive.
For all of you interested. Squeaky Wheel is doing another open screening called the Pooch and Pussy show. It's three minute shorts (video or film) about Pets or "Animal Behaviour." This sounds like the perfect cameo for Tucker, Upma. I'm going to shoot something for it, but I'm not sure what yet. The screening is August 24th, work is due anytime before that.
While I feel like my month long absence precludes me from having any real say in the summit my projected long-term schedule looks something like this:
January 2002, if all goes well I'll be in Paris for a week with an invitation to IRCAM, staying with friends who will be moving there in August so it might be an affordable trip.
June 2002, June in Buffalo, which will consume me completely.
Depending on how things go I could also be working on my disertation or at least be finished with my comprehensive exams so I will either desperately need a break or have absolutely no time for one.
Location: Hawai'i, North Carolina, Boston, Austin, Houston, Seattle sure, but at the same time if it's some place where somebody lives that assumes a lot of responsibilty for said person -while none of us seems too demanding, hosting our numbers is a bit much to ask. A personal preference: large bodies of water.
Another suggestion which comes out of Shelly's idea about making something or doing an installation (an idea I like a lot): If we're doing something like that and we're going to take some time (as in a year or two) to plan, (as ridiculous as this may sound) we could probably apply for some grants to fund some or all of this expedition.
Sorry I haven't been more active on the blog, hopefully that will change. While reading over this, it occurs to me that I might be doing a few things, but I feel like I'm letting the days slip away.