it's not easy being a 10
so as i settled in on the red eye a man grabbed a blanket from the overhead bin in front of me. the girl sitting next to me asked him for a blanket. he obliged and offered one to me as well. i accepted whereupon he turned to the girl beside me, gestured toward me and said "talk her into being number 10."
as he walked away the girl beside me began to explain in an outraged voice. "he was talking to me before we got on the plane. he's arabian or something and he has 8 wives. that's his 8th wife back there. he's taking her on vacation. he was asking me to be his 9th. i guess he wants you to be the 10th." we chuckled together and the conversation continued to pleasantries and small talk about how she's a basketball player for a houston university and how she was going to visit her boyfriend in san jose. after takeoff we both drifted to sleep for a while, or at least i did.
later there was a bit of turbulence and i awoke to that man leaning over me. seeing that i was awake, he bagan to speak to both me and my seatmate once again.
"so have you considered my offer? you will be quite well taken care of."
"yeah. thanks but no thanks."
"are you sure? there are many advantages..."
(at this point, wife number 8 leans forward in her seat waving and smiling, "it's lots of fun!!")
"yeah... no thanks."
"i can put you in touch with number 2,4,5,7, & 8. they will all tell you how much they love it. they are quite well taken care of."
"what about wives 1, 3, and 6?"
"oh, i am thinking of replacing them. in my country you are only allowed 10 wives at a time."
"uh huh. so what happens to the women you decide to 'replace'?"
"i give them a lot of money and they are turned out on their own. (he chuckles) 10 wives gets pretty confusing sometimes. i've given up calling them by name. i just call them by number."
"yeah, well, like i said, no thanks. i'm not really that fond of being a number."
"oh, but for YOU i would make an exception."
at this point i tried to wind down the conversation as quickly as possible becasue he was still leaning over my seat into my face. my seatmate and i finally managed to assure him we didn't want to be wives number 9 & 10.
i hope he and wife number 8 had an enjoyable vacation in dallas.
as for my trip to louisiana, the parade of marrying and birthing friends continues. it took until day five to get into a fight with my mom, the topic of which involved me going to the wrong casino to "meet" them for the buffet. upon my return to seattle i saw my tax dollars at work in seafair where i toured and aircraft carrier and watched the blue angels.
back to the grind.