There's a community garden near my house - I contacted them today about volunteering (they do youth programs, farmers markets, cooking classes - so much great stuff)
Tomorrow: making polaroid transfers from photos I took at a garage sale (and some of my friend's dog - who's getting pretty old) - and am treating myself to a spa trip with my friend stephmo before she leaves. I expect pampering - I'm getting a foot massage. (insert happy drooling here)
Kainui - you may just have written my favorite lake effect sentence. (though Mike may tie with his knot tying remark)
hee, hee, cabbage booger eater (yes, I'm four)
Next week I head to maine - a week of photo boot camp. I look forward to becoming a black and white shooting machine. (and will then cover my bare, naked walls with all nine zones)
After that - another alternative process class - adding toning and printing on fabrics - and trying to see if work'll pay for that as well.
But tonight - CHEESE!!!!
I'm hosting a fondue party. (insert more drooling here)
Oh - I read in the super cool home book, Pad, of a party idea.
Oratory Party - each of your guests brings one item to read (can be a recipe, a poem, a love letter, a short story, a children's book, etc.) you provide beverages (intoxicating or not) and snacks. I picture sitting on lots of pillows and having one light on the reader. If my living room held more than six people, I would so want to have this party. But what to read? I did entertain friends on Friday night with the storytelling of Princess Smartypants (a kids book my mom sent - its a feminist fairy tale with awesome illustrations).